Monday, June 14, 2010

Radical Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Sometimes I work Saturday night, as in all night. When I do, Sundays in my home are pretty unstructured, with mom asleep and three guys left to their own devices. As a result, it came to pass last night that everyone but me had eaten dinner. "Ah-ha!" I thought. "The perfect time to make something adventurous, something only I would have any interest in eating! Something Raw or Vegan that feeds the body and the soul...." And then I looked around my pantry and fridge and lowered my expectations a wee bit. Red bell peppers, cans of garbanzo beans, a sad-looking lemon...well, at least I could make hummus! And really, there's nothing at all shabby about hummus. It does, indeed, feed my soul.

The step of roasting the red peppers does make Radical Roasted Red Pepper Hummus a little more time-consuming than some other hummus recipes, but roasted red peppers are sooooo good that's it's always worth it. (And I always roast more than the recipe calls for, so now I have extra sitting in my fridge, just waiting to be put in a sandwich, or on a pizza, or in a soup!) As usual, I used liquid aminos in place of shoyu, and I skipped the step of toasting the cumin. I also used canned garbanzos, and I only had the regular, raw tahini, not the roasted variety (which I must get, because yum!)

The result was a very good hummus, although I'm not sure I'd go so far as to call it radical. In addition to awesome flavor, the red pepper gives it a beautiful color. I did think it could use a bit more lemon, but sadly, I'd squeezed mine dry just to get as much juice as the recipe called for. And next time, I will toast the cumin. I love toasted cumin, I just don't always have the patience, mid-recipe, to stop and do that step. This is a dish, though, where that smoky flavor would really shine through.

All in all? Three carrots.

(Ha! Three carets! I crack myself up sometimes...)


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